Manuel Davó

CEO & Founder

CEO and Founder of Davó Law Offices.

With a clear vision on the values and the mission that the office inspires, Manuel is in charge of instilling the whole team not only with a great professional touch, but also with care for each and every person, in such way that both clients and the team find in our office support in their projects.

Having a law degree from the University of Malaga, and with complementary formation in the field of international and European private law, Manuel acquired consistent experience in Commercial Law not only in Spain, but also in Romania and Turkey, enjoying membership in both the Bucharest and Malaga Bar Associations.

Throughout his career, Manuel has assisted a great number of Spanish firms, mainly in the sector of infrastructure, telecommunications, services and real estate. He stands out by his negotiation and conflict resolution skills, which add to the wellbeing of the businesses of our clients. 

A lo largo de su carrera, Manuel ha asistido a un gran número de empresas, principalmente del sector de las infraestructuras, las telecomunicaciones, los servicios y en el sector inmobiliario. Destaca por su capacidad de negociación y resolución de conflictos, que pone al servicio del bienestar de los negocios de nuestros clientes.